Product Details for Material from MANUFLEX - AU8110.3003 - Manuflex AU8110.3003 Universal Height-Adjustable Workbench Extension (w/o Worktop) (2000 x 800 mm) Manuflex

AU8110.3003 MANUFLEX Manuflex AU8110.3003 Universal Height-Adjustable Workbench Extension (w/o Worktop) (2000 x 800 mm) Manuflex

Part Nnumber
Manuflex AU8110.3003 Universal Height-Adjustable Workbench Extension (w/o Worktop) (2000 x 800 mm) Manuflex
Basic price
213,51 EUR

The product with part number AU8110.3003 (Manuflex AU8110.3003 Universal Height-Adjustable Workbench Extension (w/o Worktop) (2000 x 800 mm) Manuflex) is from company MANUFLEX and distributed with basic unit price 213,51 EUR. Minimal order quantity is 1 pc.

Manuflex AU8110.3003 Universal Height-Adjustable Workbench Extension (w/o Worktop) (2000 x 800 mm) Technical data Colour Ruby red Width 2000 mm T 800 mm Height 1000 mm Height (min.) 700 mm Max. height 1000 mm

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